CX-1102 车厢把手总成 CX-1102
●CX-1102 车厢把手总成 ●名称:车厢把手总成 ●型号:CX-1102 ●材质:不锈钢304 ●表面处理:镜光 ●*大承受力度:80kg/pcs ●用途特点:用于特种车辆、冷藏车厢、集装箱、船舶、制冷设备、食品机械、化工机械、环保机械等设备 ●包装:1件/袋,外箱20件/箱
●CX-1102 车厢把手总成
CX-1102 carriage handle assembly
Name: car handle assembly
Model: CX-1102
Material: stainless steel 304
Surface treatment: mirror light
The maximum bearing strength: 80kg/pcs
Use and characteristics: used for special vehicles, refrigerated cars, containers, ships, refrigeration equipment, food machinery, chemical machinery, environmental protection machinery and other equipment
Packing: 1 / bag, the outer box 20 / box