Anti-static Aluminum Foil Bag CS6683025

产品价格: < 面议
公司名称:Dongguan Chuangshun Anti-static Technology Co., Ltd.
立即询价 在线咨询


Product Name: Anti-static Aluminum Foil Bag
Product Information: Anti-static Aluminum Foil Bag features with three main functions:anti-static, anti-magnetic and damp-proof. 


Product Model: CS6683025
Product Name: Anti-static Aluminum Foil Bag
Product Information: Anti-static Aluminum foll bag features with three main functions:anti-static, anti-magnetic and damp-proof. It is widely used in the electron products package with damp-proof requirements. Surface Resistance:108~1010Ω. Anti-static aluminum foll bag can prevent the electrostatic sensitive components from the potential static damage for maximum efficiency. Their unique four-layer structure can form a effect(inductive hood) in order to protect product component form the electrostatic field. Another layer is made of polyethylene,which can protect product component away from static electricity. It is available for customizing.


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  • 注册时间: 2013-04-25
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