Anti-static Tester CS6683610

产品价格: < 面议
公司名称:Dongguan Chuangshun Anti-static Technology Co., Ltd.
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Product Name:Anti-static Tester
Product Information:Anti-static Tester displays number and image, distinct and clear; and it accompanies with ion balanced measuring plate, to test the residual voltage of the ion generator.


Product Model: CS6683610
Product Name:  Anti-static Tester
Product Information: displays number and image, distinct and clear; and it accompanies with ion balanced measuring plate, to test the residual voltage of the ion generator, the accessible range is +/-200V, and the electric field accessible range is  +/-20Kv * 2LED with 25mm working distance; It can equip with ion balanced measuring plate(+/-200V); Single click returns to zero. Function: Efficient to test the static electricity charge of ESD equipment in the working table and working tools; Features: liquid/electrical level displaying test data, maintaining the test data, number return-to-zero display, high/low files measuring range.

Measuring Range: 0~±1.49kv(low range),±1kv-20kv(high range); Test Precision:±10%; Precision: Low Precision Range:±0.1kv; High Precision Range: ±1kv; Accessible Range of Electrostatic Field:+/-(0.00-20.0kV)(automatic displaying adjustment ); Standard Test Range:25mm+/-1mm; Ion Balance Accessible Range: +/-(0-200V); Electrostatic Field: By a single click of the “Power” button, there will be a beep voice; Ion Balance(Install the ion balanced measuring plate first): Press the “Zero and Power” button, there will be two beeps voices.


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  • 附件: 附件支持RAR,JPG,PNG格式,大小在2M范围
验证码: 点击换一张

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  • 注册时间: 2013-04-25
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